Free download filter forge full version
Free download filter forge full version

free download filter forge full version

Filter Forge is a must-have for anyone even mildly interested in computer graphics/Photoshop - you guys are my heroes! Now, if you can convince the folks who make ZBrush to do a giveaway, then I could die happy )Ībout ten years ago, I would download almost every day whatever was being offered on GOTD - I knew nothing about PC's back then, and checking out these different programs really contributed to my overall digital knowledge.however, these last few years, I hardly even check the feed.why? My interest is in graphics, either 2D or 3D - it's rare to see a program offered here that falls into that category.

free download filter forge full version

Been peeking thru their library, found some great filters, and plan on spending some time with a few tutorials. I must have been one of the first few people to dl'd this last night because my reg key came within 5 minutes, and installed on my Win7 machine with no problems - yet, lol.

#Free download filter forge full version install#

So you just imagine how it felt when I - for some unknown reason - decided to swing by, and found Filter Forge Pro - AAAAAAHHH!!!! I've been hearing about this program for YEARS, and have always wanted to try it out, but I don't install many trial softwares (I'm just weird that way, lol), nor do I have the $ to buy any right now. Hamster(girl) - thankyouthankyouthankyou for offering this awesome program on GOTD, it's made my day!Ībout ten years ago, I would download almost every day whatever was being offered on GOTD - I knew nothing about PC's back then, and checking out these different programs really contributed to my overall digital knowledge.however, these last few years, I hardly even check the feed.why? My interest is in graphics, either 2D or 3D - it's rare to see a program offered here that falls into that category. To GOTD and Filter Forge - you have made for One.

Free download filter forge full version