Bed head foxy culrs
Bed head foxy culrs

bed head foxy culrs

Do not expect your hair to be magically changed after one wash day. There is as much dogma in the curly hair world as there is in the food world.Technique is as important, maybe even more important than, the products.What I have found over the course of 3 months – my big takeaways: If you can smell your hair burning, that is way too hot. She uses heat to dry in her salon, and just advised against using flat iron level heat. My curly hair specialist stylist gave me the okay on this, btw. I use it on warm until it’s mostly dry and then switch to cold to finish it. My hair dryer has a cold, warm and hot setting. However, using zero heat to dry my hair means my hair is wet for hours we’re basically talking all freaking day. I haven’t plugged in my flat iron or barrel roller for months, and I feel great about that. I need a little lather for my scalp to feel clean. On those elements, I’m all about the Curly Girl Method.Īs far as shampoo goes, I haven’t found any cowash (cleansing conditioner) that I like. And if brushing my hair when it’s dry is only causing damage, that’s not something I’ll miss. I’m happy to use a micorfiber towel and t-shirt instead of a terry cloth towel to get the excess moisture out of my hair. I can easily get behind eliminating certain ingredients. I keep going shorter, but this photo makes me want to grow it out! Hmmmm… One of my better hair days when my hair was this length. brushing your hair (especially when dry).This blog post is not intended to be a rabbit hole, so I’ll sum up the Curly Girl Method for you. Going to a curly hair specialist resulted in the cut my hair really needed: Getting a curly cut made the biggest difference. Here I am after my first wash day, using (sort of) the curly girl method:Īnd here I am after wash day number two already a pretty big difference: I’ve been sharing my progress on Instagram, and people on there have expressed interest in what I’m doing and what I’m using, so I’m spilling it all on this here blog post.

bed head foxy culrs

It’s been 3 months of researching and experimenting with the Curly Girl method and variations of it, and I’m finally coming up for air. And that’s when I fell deep into the curly girl method rabbit hole. I just haven’t been treating my hair like curly hair. While scrolling Facebook this summer, I saw an ad for a curly hair product that made me realize – HOLD UP. Here’s an example of just how bad my hair can be this is after a couple of weeks in mineral hot springs in Costa Rica: I mean, if I simply wash it and let it air dry, I absolutely do not have Good Curly Hair. I always just assumed that I didn’t have Good Curly Hair. I have never had anything against curly hair, in fact I have always loved it on other people. I was hopeful that the perfect product or hair cut existed to give me wash and wear hair. Up until that point, I ran the gamut of blowdrying / burning it straight (and of course then adding “beachy” waves with more heat), getting keratin treatments, braiding / twisting it while it dried to keep it from turning into a total frizzy mess, and trying every shampoo and conditioner on the planet.


It wasn’t until this year – I am 42 – that I started to learn how to treat my hair like curly hair. (My mom was thrilled, as you can probably imagine.) It wasn’t until years -YEARS! – later that I realized the perm was long gone and my hair, at some point, had become naturally curly. In third grade, my dad let me get a perm at JC Penny. You know how it goes people with straight hair want curly hair and vice versa.

bed head foxy culrs

As a tiny human, I had fine, stick straight hair. This year, I decided to finally start embracing my curly hair. I have been fighting with my hair most of my life.

Bed head foxy culrs